A friend asked me to give him a hand with his computer. The printer stopped working. Simple I thought, delete and reinstall then wine and a visit. Ha.
As he's got a wireless network, I figured I'd make sure that wasn't the problem so I opened his browser. It took 2 minutes to open a page. Linked to another site, still a minute or so. Time to check his programs file.
No spy ware blocking, no virus protection, no firewall. However his daughter had installed (3 users all with admin privilege) Kazaa. I downloaded a virus/firewall suite, MS Antispyware, Spyware blaster, Spybot and new drivers for his printer. 3 hours later, all was installed. We removed over 200 bits of spyware. I didn't have time to wait for the virus scan but left him directions.
Oh yeah, I removed Kazaa and made all users limited except Max and his account is password protected so his daughter can't go there again. Upside - I'm reminded just why I'm so anal about clearing my machine regularly. I still need to go back to install CCleaner to sweep his registry, defrag and like that. Never actually did get to his printer.